
MS Tech Completes Major Deployment of Explosive Detection Systems Amid Rising Security Concerns

September 20th, 2024 7:00 AM
By: Advos Staff Reporter

MS Tech's homeland security division has completed multiple shipments and installations of advanced explosive and narcotics detection systems across 24 airports, responding to increased security demands and replacing outdated technology.

MS Tech Completes Major Deployment of Explosive Detection Systems Amid Rising Security Concerns

MS Tech Ltd., a global leader in nanotechnology and sensor development, has announced the successful deployment of its cutting-edge explosive and narcotics detection systems across multiple airports and security checkpoints. The company's homeland security and defense division, MS Detection, has completed shipments, installations, and training programs for its EXPLOSCAN, DUOSCAN, and THREATSCAN detection systems in response to growing security concerns and the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks.

The increased demand for explosives detection systems comes in the wake of recent events and the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Middle Eastern conflicts. MS Tech's deployment efforts span aviation security checkpoints, air cargo screening facilities, border control stations, law enforcement agencies, and critical infrastructure sites, signaling a significant upgrade in security measures across various sectors.

Doron Shalom, CEO of MS Tech, highlighted the importance of these deployments, stating, "The recurring procurements over the years along with recurring renewals of service and maintenance agreements speaks volumes about the overall performance and reliability of our HF-QCM nanotechnology sensors and our detection products." The company's systems have been installed in over 24 different airports, enhancing security measures while improving checkpoint throughput and operational efficiency.

A key aspect of this deployment is the replacement of outdated radioactive instrumentation with MS Tech's proprietary High-Frequency Quartz Crystal Microbalance (HF-QCM) sensors. These sensors, which are non-radioactive, offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional detection methods. The company's flagship products, including EXPLOSCAN, DUOSCAN, LIQUISCAN, MULTISCAN, and THREATSCAN, utilize this innovative technology to detect explosive and narcotic traces and vapors with high sensitivity and reliability.

The implications of this large-scale deployment are significant for global security. As airports and other high-risk facilities upgrade their detection capabilities, the ability to identify potential threats quickly and accurately improves, potentially deterring terrorist activities and enhancing public safety. Moreover, the shift towards non-radioactive detection technology represents a positive step for environmental and worker safety concerns in the security industry.

For the aviation and transportation sectors, in particular, the adoption of these advanced detection systems could lead to more efficient security processes, potentially reducing wait times for passengers while maintaining rigorous safety standards. The versatility of MS Tech's products, which can operate in harsh environmental conditions, also suggests their potential for wide-ranging applications beyond airport security, including customs and border control, and mail and cargo screening.

As global security challenges continue to evolve, the deployment of advanced detection technologies like those developed by MS Tech plays a crucial role in staying ahead of potential threats. This latest round of installations underscores the ongoing need for innovation in security measures and the industry's response to emerging risks in an increasingly complex global security landscape.

Source Statement

This news article relied primarily on a press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. You can read the source press release here,

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