
New Physics Report Explores Science Behind 'Miraculous Healing Power'

October 15th, 2024 7:00 AM
By: Advos Staff Reporter

Dr. Leonard Horowitz's peer-reviewed article in Acta Scientific Physics Journal examines the scientific basis of therapeutic touch and faith-based healing, potentially bridging the gap between spirituality and modern medicine.

New Physics Report Explores Science Behind 'Miraculous Healing Power'

A new physics report by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, published in Acta Scientific Physics Journal, aims to explain the scientific underpinnings of what many consider 'miraculous healing power.' The article, which has undergone peer review by experts from Russia, focuses on the '528 Frequency' of sound and light, which Dr. Horowitz claims is fundamental to natural healing arts and sciences.

Dr. Horowitz, an internationally known energy medicine pioneer, argues that electromagnetic, bio-acoustic, and 'epigenetic resonance' are at the core of healthcare miracles. He suggests that the 528nm wavelength of green light, found at the heart of sunshine and produced by chlorophyll in plants, plays a crucial role in healing processes. This frequency, he contends, is linked to oxygen production, which he describes as the 'breath of life.'

The report attempts to bridge the gap between spiritual beliefs and scientific understanding. Dr. Horowitz proposes that what religious traditions call 'spirituality' or the 'Holy Spirit' can be explained through the laws of physics. He argues that the energy involved in healing practices, such as therapeutic touch and prayer, follows these physical laws.

This research could have significant implications for healthcare practices. Dr. Horowitz suggests that understanding the science behind these phenomena could enhance the effectiveness of healing techniques used by healthcare workers, particularly nurses and physical therapists. He emphasizes the potential benefits of incorporating this knowledge into 'hands-on' healing practices.

While the claims made in this report are bold and potentially controversial, they represent an attempt to integrate spiritual and scientific perspectives on healing. If further validated, this research could potentially lead to new approaches in complementary medicine and influence how healthcare professionals view and utilize therapeutic touch and similar practices.

However, it's important to note that while peer-reviewed, this research represents a single perspective and would require further study and validation from the broader scientific community before any definitive conclusions can be drawn about its implications for healthcare practices.

Source Statement

This news article relied primarily on a press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. You can read the source press release here,

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