
For organizations with less than 100 employees.

$299per month


For organizations with between 100–999 employees.

$540per month


For organizations with more than 1000 employees.

$840per month


Advocates 50 150
Groups 3 5
My Topics 15 20
My People 20 50
My Competitors 10 20


Marketing Planning
Team Collaboration / Advocacy
Brand Amplification
Social Marketing
Business Intelligence
News Distribution


Speaking Opportunities Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts
Award Competition Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts
Your company mentioned in content (filtered by audience) Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts
Your competitors mentioned in content (filtered by audience) Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts
Your competitors or people engaged with a conference/event Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts
Your competitor wrote new content (filtered by topic) Search and Email Alerts Search and Email Alerts


Advocacy Group Management + 500 per month + 750 per month
Additional Advocates + $2 per Advocate / month + $2 per Advocate / month
Additional Groups + $50 per Group / month + $50 per Group / month

"advos by HRmarketer has done exactly what I don’t have time to do - study the HR market down to the analyst, conference, major theme, and what topics are trending and for what industries."


Ewing Gillaspy, Worldwide Research Leader, Watson (A.I.) for Talent — IBM